Monday, July 8, 2013

Nationals Trade for Cubs Outfielder

The Washington Nationals have traded for Cubs outfielder Scott Hariston to bolster their bench. With the Nationals bench struggling and the need for a powerful hitter against left handed pitching Hairston might be the perfect fit. The trade become official this morning according to Adam Kilgore and James Wagner. Check out their story here: Nationals Trade. It is not official yet who the Nationals had to give up to acquire Hariston. Hopefully this is the insurance the Nats needed to get them going in the second half of the season...

RG3 Wedding Tributes

Every wonder just how much people love RG3? Check out this awesome story via @DCsportsbog and The Washington Post on how people honored RG3 at their weddings. Glad I could be a part of it!

RG3 Wedding Tributes